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This is the BSDA Study Guide Book written via a wiki collaboration. This is a work in progress. You may contribute to or discuss this specific page at Determine information regarding the operating systemConceptBe able to determine the type and version of the operating system installed. IntroductionThe Note that usually the kernel and userland (like libc, BSD tools and network daemons, et cetera) are kept in sync so the same version would apply for the operating system as a whole. TODO: is "sync" term okay here? Maybe improve sentence. And should this mention that uname is for kernel only? By default, it shows the name of the operating system:
The machine's hardware name and processor architecture name can be displayed, respectively:
TODO: add note and example about when -m and -p are different It can also provide the time and date of the built kernel, the host it was built on, and the path to the kernel configuration used, for example:
On NetBSD, an Practice ExercisesTODO More informationuname(1), sysctl(8); /etc/release on NetBSD