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This is the BSDA Study Guide Book written via a wiki collaboration. This is a work in progress. You may contribute to or discuss this specific page at Determine which software have outstanding security advisoriesConceptRecognize the importance of being aware of software security vulnerabilities . Also recognize the third-party utilities which integrate with the BSD package managers to determine which software has outstanding vulnerabilities. Introductionportaudit: system to check installed packages for known vulnerabilities portaudit -a prints a vulnerability report for all installed packages portaudit -F fetches current database from FreeBSD servers portaudit -Fa (does both at one time, very useful) TODO: mention enabling periodic portaudit script ExamplesThe following is an example of using portaudit on FreeBSD. (The "-d" option prints the date of the vulnerability database.)
Practice ExercisesMore informationaudit-packages for Dragonfly and NetBSD; portaudit and vuxml for FreeBSD and OpenBSD TODO: verify for OpenBSD?